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Kristine Barakat


I remember loving to read as a teenager, I would go through stages where I couldn't get my nose out of a book, then friends gushed about twilight so I picked it up, under duress actually and I was instantly addicted, a few years passed and a employee asked me to read FSOG with her to find out what the fuss was about, my entire team, all eleven of us picked it up and I was hooked, from there I found Maryse Black and my world was forever changed. I started reading, obsessively so, devouring a book a day, and for almost two years that was enough, until I started dreaming about starting a blog where I could talk about these authors who had changed my life in ways I didn't even know was possible. Glass Paper Ink Book blog was born and from there I've had the absolute pleasure of beta reading for incredible authors, for meeting and becoming friends with authors, bloggers and readers who share my passion. When the amazing team of organisers for SAE asked me to join - I was dumbfounded. Reading and blogging has opened a world to me I never knew existed and I'll be forever grateful for it, nothing compares to seeing your name in acknowledgements, having an author you respect and admire ask you to beta their unpolished words, to arc review a book before it goes out into the big bad world, this journey has easily been one of the toughest and most rewarding experiences of my life. 

Glass Paper Ink Book Blog

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